Relax delivering differential files

Do you want to deliver only selected necessary files? Then SCONE diff is for you! You can copy files that have been narrowed down based on various conditions, while maintaining the directory structure.

Available on the Mac App Store
Get it from Microsoft
SCONE Diff Pro
Available on the Mac App Store
Get it from Microsoft

About SCONE Diff ?

SCONE diff is an application that can extract differential files

Have you had problems delivering only edited files?
Such as cases where there is no version control, or having to deliver only image files.... ?
SCONE diff can extract files freely based on conditions such as date/time (you can specify up to seconds), extensions, and regular expressions.
It can also exclude invisible files (files starting with "".""), ""_note"" generated by Adobe © Dreamweaver, exclude files that you do not want to deliver such as Sass and JavaScript before compression etc. in a clean state.
The extracted file can be copied to another place while maintaining the directory structure.
In addition, since it is capable of saving the file list, we can deliver upgraded notes such as attaching ""complete delivery file"" to the client.

SCONE Diff's function

Reference directory specification

Will designate the directory you wish to differentiate. (You can designate with drag & drop)
Based on the designation of this directory, you can copy differential files to other directories while maintaining the directory structure.

Specify the date and time (from)

Files edited & added after the designated day/time will be extracted.
Even if the exact year, month, day is unknown, by designating a standard file using the drag & drop, the change date will automatically be set.

Specify the date and time (to)Pro version only

Files edited & added before the designated day/time will be extracted.
"Date Setting (from)" will be used to extract files edited only "after this date" or "before this date."

Files to exclude (Specify initials)Pro version only

Will exclude files such as invisible files, "_note" files generated by Adobe © Dreamweaver, or files and directories starting with a designated alphabet.
Adding an underscore into the file name when creating non-delivered files, will aid greatly in easing the delivery process.

Extension filterPro version only

Delivering only the files you have been responsible for, such as image files, and system files (e.g. php), can be common. You can extract or exclude files based on their extensions.

Regular Expression FilterPro version only

If you want to narrow down the selections based on highly complex selective conditions not mentioned above, you can extract or exclude files based on their regular expression.